I moved to Colorado in early 2013. Against all reason and the advice of my performing peers, I gave up on the prescribed formula for success and decided to make my own way. To hell with young artist auditions, New York City, and the ever-so-close but never quite attainable promise of making a living through singing: I was moving to Colorado to enjoy my life, and sing if it happened. A little over a year and a half later, my life has exploded with unexpected opportunities in my career, my relationship, my future, and YES, in singing too. I started The Maples School of Voice and took on a full time job as a personal assistant to a CEO; I’m engaged; we bought a house and a puppy; and I’ve had non-stop local gigs for months!
Here’s my point: You can get what you need, where you want it, and with the ones you love, if you’re willing to take a little risk along the way.
Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to your path. Live where you want to live: St. Louis? Go for it. Savannah? Why not? Appleton, Wisconsin? Ok, make it work! Who would have thought that I could have found back to back gigs in Colorado for nearly 2 years straight? Certainly not me. Can I make a living at it here in Colorado? No, I really can’t. But could I make a living singing in NYC? No! I would be scraping by with two waitressing jobs and selling plasma every other week. But in stunning Colorado, I get to live and work and play and sing and teach and enjoy every minute of it.
Think about what you want. If being a house-hold name across the US is your goal, then maybe NYC is right for you. And that’s ok. But if you’re like me, and you want the best of all worlds, go make it happen. Take a risk. Enjoy your life. Let good things come to you. And for goodness’ sake, do not worry about your life. Whoever gives up his life will find it.